where poles meet
a new and exciting organisation of Polish Australians in Victoria
looking towards the future.
is a cultural
not for profit organisation
Our primary focus is to encourage the sustainability of Polish culture, language, and tradition in Victoria through the support and initiation of relevant events and engagements to enrich our Polishness on a personal, business, professional and academic level.
We are a place where Poles and those of Polish heritage meet. Our purpose is to provide the foundation for the building a unique community, both virtual and face-to-face, which will nurture and enable current and future generations of Victorians with Polish ancestry connect and meet under a mutual commonality which is their “Polishness”, that is their Polish roots, tradition, culture and history, whilst expanding their knowledge and appreciation of their ancestry and roots.
Become a part of this exciting new venture.
Widen your network & knowledge, have fun & help Polish Australians thrive.